This 12 week cycle includes:
The phrase 'exercise in a bottle' may sound a bit over the top. While some users reported improved endurance, others stated that the benefits of using Stenabolic were limited or non-existent. With Stenabolic having few to no proven side effects, it is also deemed safe to use, if used correctly.
If you are training hard, you are probably aiming for increased endurance and lower body fat. The fact that there is an overwhelming number of options may seem confusing. We are bombarded with claims that these options can do both. However, there are so many options and not enough money to try them all.
You will be pleased to know that your choice can be narrowed down. The one thing you need to maximize endurance and fat loss is Stenabolic. SR9009 will help you regardless of your athletic enthusiasm. Read on, as we will try our best to explain how it came to be, its history, and its effects.
Professor Thomas Burris of the Scripps Research Institute developed SR9009, better known as Stenabolic. Though SR9009 is associated with SARMs, it is actually a Rev-erba agonist drug.
"Rev-erba who?", you might be asking. Well, this is a protein most commonly found in the liver, skeletal muscle, the brain, and the adipose tissue (body fat). It participates in the circadian regulation of these tissues. In other words, it has to do with one's circadian rhythm, better known as the biological clock.
Researchers found out that the compounds found in Stenabolic affected this protein. As a result, animal test subjects showed an increase in endurance and a decrease in obesity. Mice treated with the drug had a 50 percent increase in running capacity, measured by both time and distance.
To quote Burris: "The animals actually get muscles like an athlete who has been training." Not only that, but the rodents developed muscles similar to those of a seasoned athlete in a very short time.
The phrase 'exercise in a bottle' may sound a bit over the top. However, a study revealed that SR9009 caused a steep reduction in animal obesity. As we mentioned earlier, it actually alters the core biological clock. This clock synchronizes the rhythm of the body's activity all day and night. Basically, it can be compared to our phones and computers automatically adjusting to time zones and DST.
Now, Rev-erba is a protein that controls glucose levels and lipid metabolism in our liver. It also stores fat cells and removes dead or dying cells during inflammation. The reason Stenabolic is called an agonist is that it enhances the activity of Rev-erba.
It had the following effects when tried on animals and cells:
• SR9009 caused an increase in overall oxygen consumption.
• SR9009 caused a decrease in the production of new fat cells in the liver.
• It lowered the production of bile acids and cholesterol in the liver.
• It caused muscle mitochondria to rise in number.
• It increased fatty acid and glucose use in muscles.
• SR9009 decreased the storage of fat.
This study, Injecting mice with the drug for 7 days resulted in them losing fat mass, therefore losing weight. However, this did not affect their food intake. Mice that were genetically obese stopped gaining weight after 12 days without any change in their tolerance to insulin or the amount of glucose.
Similarly, mice treated with SR9009 between 7 and 10 days had their total cholesterol reduced. On the other hand, mice given SR9009 for 30 days showed increased endurance, as previously mentioned.
The inflammatory molecules found in the nerve cells of the rats also decreased in production because of SR9009. Also, it resulted in improved heart function while reducing heart size and weight in mice with surgically induced heart growth.
SR9009 also changed the sleeping schedule of mice. Oddly enough, they were more active during the day, having had a less deep sleep. This means that SR9009 may help you maintain your wakefulness. Now, this is some good news for people doing shift work or suffering from jet lag.
Finally, SR9009 decreased the anxiety-like behavior of said mice, showcasing the effects equal to those of Bromazepam or related benzodiazepines.
By now, you are probably thinking it was about time to stop with the mice's facts. So let us shift the focus to you, the athlete.
From what we can see, this vision impairment is the only one you really need to worry about. Sure you might experience mild natural testosterone suppression but this can be corrected by doing PCT and keeping your cycle to 6-8 weeks. More importantly, Andarine won't trigger gynecomastia, water retention or hair loss.
So far, you are probably relishing the idea that a substance like this even exists. A drug that turns you into a seasoned athlete in a short time is nothing but good news. And if you are already in great shape, just imagine all the effects you can achieve.
Now, as you may know, many athletes use stimulants before working out. One thing you may not be aware of is that they actually hurt you more than they help you.
The idea behind doing cardio is, of course, increasing your heart rate and maximizing your capacity. If you are struggling with cardio, your heart rate will skyrocket if you try sprinting. Let us take a 5-minute, 800-meter sprint as an example. The sprint may leave beginners winded and panting. On the other hand, experienced runners can go far without any problems.
Using traditional pre-workout stimulants does not do much to help. In fact, the stimulants will not help you at all. After using SR9009, you are much more likely to reach 90% of your heart rate. This means that stimulants are counter-effective. In contrast to stimulants, Stenabolic will not get you winded so fast. SR9009 will give you room to push harder, as you might only go up to 75% of your maximum heart rate.
Regardless of your current weight, using Stenabolic can help you cut down on body fat. If you are trying to lose weight, opt-out the fat burners. This is because they do nothing but strain your body and negatively affect your sleep and heart health.
However, Stenabolic works safely because SR9009 is not a harsh drug or stimulant. Study subjects affected by Stenabolic burned fat even while resting. However, when they did exercise, the fat loss was extremely sped up.
As we've mentioned earlier, the Rev-erba protein controls lipid metabolism in the liver. Stenabolic gives it a little push, resulting in an increased metabolic rate. As the number of mitochondria rises, the body is forced to burn away stored fat.
We have to quote Billy Mays on this one. "But wait, there's more!"
Stenabolic can also help those suffering from obesity. SR9009 will help improve their cholesterol levels and get rid of redundant glucose in their muscles.
As a result, the body will be burning fat much more quickly, whether it is during exercise
or after. Remember those genetically obese mice we mentioned? Well, you can achieve a similar effect. This means your workouts will be much more effective.
What Ibutamoren's Effects?
In the body, MK-677 binds to ghrelin receptors on the surfaces of cells. This triggers a series of chain reactions including increased secretion of several hormones such as growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).
These chain reactions are normally triggered by the action of ghrelin, a peptide hormone primarily released by endocrine cells in the intestines and stomach (1). Ghrelin has various physiological effects such as regulation of appetite (2) and adipose tissue (3), as well as of carbohydrate and energy metabolism (4). Recent studies have also demonstrated its role in cognitive function (5-6).
By mimicking ghrelin, MK-677 thus produces significant physiological benefits:
• it boosts muscle growth and strength, by increasing lean body mass (bigger muscles, increased muscle mass, prevention of loss of muscle during weight loss, etc) (7-10), without adding fat mass.
• it combats the muscle-wasting typically seen in older people or those temporarily incapacitated (with hip fractures, for example (11).
• it boosts bone density and renewal (by increasing levels of osteocalcin) (12).
• it improves sleep quality and duration (13). The rises in levels of certain hormones (in particular growth hormone and prolactin) appear to increase the duration of stage 4 sleep (the deepest of the sleep cycle) as well as that of rapid eye movement (REM), part of paradoxical sleep (14).
• it combats cellular ageing, primarily by compensating for decreased levels of growth hormone.
• it has potential nootropic effects
• it promotes faster wound-healing and recovery (15-16) as well as increased tolerance to exercise (17-18).
• it increases lipolysis (fat breakdown) (19).
• it reduces nitrogenous waste (20).
• it lowers blood levels of LDL-cholesterol.
These potential effects are the result of Ibutamoren's principal action of directly increasing circulating levels of IGF-1, a peptide hormone responsible for boosting protein synthesis and promoting overall tissue growth.
Clinical trials are continuing in order to identify any potential side effects, with a view to potentially authorising its sale for human consumption. Studies conducted so far have demonstrated slight increases in blood pressure, glycated haemoglobin and appetite (21). They have also shown that were it to be authorised for human consumption, it would be contraindicated for those with a history of congestive heart failure, especially elderly individuals. In any case, monitoring blood parameters would be essential, and it would only be possible to recommend those products with rigorously-controlled purity.
Who Might Benefit From Ibutamoren?
Currently, Ibutamoren is still at the stage of pre-clinical testing. It is therefore available solely for research purposes and is not approved for human consumption. However, its physiological effects and therapeutic potential mean that certain groups of people may be interested in monitoring developments in its research:
• those seeking improved sports performance and greater tolerance to exercise.
• those looking to boost their muscle mass and strength
• those recovering from physical injury
• those deficient in growth hormone
• those who've suffered muscle wasting or bone loss
• those who want to slow down the ageing process.
How Does It Differ From Anabolic Steroids?
Like MK-677, anabolic steroids produce an increase in muscle mass and physical strength, but that's where the similarity ends. Anabolic steroids are fatty acids which bind to 'androgen receptors' and trigger the expression of a number of target genes. This interaction causes anabolic effects, as well as a number of unintended consequences, such as a significant increase in virilisation (hairiness, growth in vocal cords, increased risk of baldness), a halt in natural production of sex hormones, an increase in LDL cholesterol, a rise in blood pressure and the development of problematic structural changes in heart ventricles. These unwelcome effects are damaging to the bodybuilding enthusiasts and elite athletes who use them.
Scientific studies show that MK-677 does not cause any side-effects. Depending on the results of the latest clinical trials, it could, in the years to come, constitute a safer alternative to anabolic steroids and a more effective one than growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRPs), the bioavailability and half-life of which remain very low.
Ibutamoren thus appears to be an innovative and credible alternative for stimulating growth hormone secretion. It is already benefiting from sound clinical trials and produces far fewer side-effects than the substances it closely resembles, such as anabolic steroids and GHRPs.
Note: This product is for research purposes only. It is not approved for human consumption.
Written: October 2018.
1. Ariyasu, H.; Takaya, K.; Tagami, T.; Ogawa, Y.; Hosoda, K.; Akamizu, T.; Suda, M.; Koh, T.; Natsui, K.; Toyooka, S.; et al. Stomach is a major source of circulating ghrelin, and feeding state determines plasma ghrelin-like immunoreactivity levels in humans. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2001, 86, 4753-4758.
2. Bowers CY, Momany F, Reynolds GA, et al. Structure-activity relationships of a synthetic pentapeptide that specifically releases growth hormone in vitro. Endocrinology 1980; 106:663-667.
3. Bowers CY, Momany FA, Reynolds GA, et al. On the in vitro and in vivo activity of a new synthetic hexapeptide that acts on the pituitary to specifically release growth hormone. Endocrinology 1984;114:1537-1545.
4. Bowers CY. History to the discovery of ghrelin. Methods Enzymol 2012;514:3-32.
5. Gahete, M.D.; Cordoba-Chacon, J.; Kineman, R.D.; Luque, R.M.; Castano, J.P. Role of ghrelin system in neuroprotection and cognitive functions: Implications in Alzheimer's disease. Peptides 2011, 32, 2225-2228.
6. Kim, C.; Kim, S.; Park, S. Neurogenic Effects of Ghrelin on the Hippocampus. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017, 18.
7. Binnerts A, Swart GR, Wilson JH, et al. The effect of growth hormone administration
in growth hormone deficient adults on bone, protein, carbohydrate and lipid homeostasis, as well as on body composition. Clin Endocrinol 1992;37:79-87.
8. Snel YE, Doerga ME, Brummer RJ, et al. Resting metabolic rate, body composition and related hormonal parameters in growth hormone-deficient adults before and after growth hormone replacement therapy. Eur J Endocrinol 1995; 133:445-450.
9. Nass R, Pezzoli SS, Oliveri MC, et al. Effects of an oral ghrelin mimetic on body composition and clinical outcomes in healthy older adults: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 2008; 149:601-611.
10. Svensson J, Lonn L, Jansson JO, et al. Two-month treatment of obese subjects with the oral growth hormone (GH) secretagogue MK-677 increases GH secretion, fat-free mass, and energy expenditure. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998; 83:362-369.
11. Svensson J, Lonn L, Jansson JO, et al. Two-month treatment of obese subjects with the oral growth hormone (GH) secretagogue MK-677 increases GH secretion, fat-free mass, and energy expenditure. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998; 83:362-369.
12. Murphy MG, Bach MA, Plotkin D, et al. Oral administration of the growth hormone secretagogue MK-677 increases markers of bone turnover in healthy and functionally impaired elderly adults. The MK-677 Study Group. J Bone Min Res 1999; 14:1182-1188.
13. Copinschi G, Leproult R, Van Onderbergen A, et al. Prolonged oral treatment with MK- 677, a novel growth hormone secretagogue, improves sleep quality in man. Neuroendocrinology 1997;66:278-286.
14. Copinschi G, Leproult R, Van Onderbergen A, et al. Prolonged oral treatment with MK- 677, a novel growth hormone secretagogue, improves sleep quality in man. Neuroendocrinology 1997;66:278-286.
15. Bach MA, Rockwood K, Zetterberg C, et al. The effects of MK0677, an oral growth hormone secretagogue, in patients with hip fracture. J Am Geriatr Soc 2004;52:516-
16. Adunsky A, Chandler J, Heyden N, et al. MK-0677 (ibutamoren mesylate) for the treatment of patients recovering from hip fracture: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled phase IIb study. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2011;53:183-189.
17. Jorgensen JO, Pedersen SA, Thuesen L, et al. Long-term growth hormone treatment in growth hormone deficient adults. Acta Endocinol 1991;125:449-453.
18. Whitehead HM, Boreham C, Mcllrath EM, et al. Growth hormone treatment of adults with growth hormone deficiency: results of a 13-month placebo controlled cross- over study. Clin Endocrinol 1992;36:45-52.
19. Melmed S. Physiology of growth hormone. In: Rose BD, ed. UpToDate; 2008; Waltham, MA.
20. Murphy MG, Plunkett LM, Gertz BJ, et al. MK-677, an orally active growth hormone secretagogue, reverses diet-induced catabolism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998;83:320-325.
21. Sevigny JJ, Ryan JM, van Dyck CH, et al. Growth hormone secretagogue MK-677: no clinical effect on AD progression in a randomized trial. Neurology 2008;71:1702-1708.
What Is Andarine S4?
Andarine (otherwise known as SARM s4 or Andarine S4) is a selective androgen receptor modulator that can help to prevent muscle wastage and support muscle mass development, so you look chiselled, hard and lean. In many ways it works and operates like anabolic steroids, but with less of the negative side effects. Not only is it fast-acting - producing muscle gains within a smaller time frame - it is also an incredibly strong compound.
By binding to the receptors in your muscle and bone tissues, this encourages growth in lean muscle mass and in turn increased strength (think about it - the more muscle you have, the stronger you'll become whilst training). Now S4 SARM is not like your average SARM, as it is stronger and more powerful. Add into the equation the fact that it causes fewer side effects (because it binds selectively and not with every androgen receptor it encounters) and is anabolic, and what you have got is an easy way to build up muscle fast. Knowing this, it is little wonder why Andarine is used so widely by athletes and bodybuilders. This simple compound has the potential to transform your cutting cycle.
What Are The Benefits Of Using SARM S4?
Some would argue that Andarine is one of the most versatile SARMs around because of its ability to fit into your plans no matter your athletic goals or bodybuilding ambitions. It simply fits in without negating the effects of other compounds.
But what can Andarine do, and what S4 SARM results can you expect? Well, as well as having a high bioavailability - meaning you'll witness results within a matter of weeks - Andarine has proven itself to be very effective even when taken in low dosages.
It Can Also Offer The Following Benefits:
• Muscle hardening: Andarine can help to make your muscles harder, drier and more vascular in as little as a week, making it ideal when prepping for competitions. Users recommend adding it to your stack during the last 6-8 weeks of your cycle, so you'll end up looking ripped and chiselled. It can also give you muscle pumps that last all day long - not just when you're lifting weights.
• Increased strength: You will notice a difference to your strength and endurance in as little as two weeks. In fact, some users have reported being able to break previous best lift records by week 5 of their cycle with this S4 SARM.
• Fat loss: It is not entirely known 'how' S4 helps your body to burn fat; however, the leading theory is that it suppresses the production of Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL) which is responsible for regulating the metabolism of stored fat (by signalling your body to utilize stored fat for energy). Users have reported losses of up to 7lbs of fat - as well as lean
• Muscle mass gains: There are mixed opinions about S4's muscle building capabilities.
However, at least 2 clinical studies suggest that Andarine can help users to achieve decent muscle mass gains during a bulking cycle - even if they are taking a low Andarine dosage - as well as helping them to retain muscle while cutting. Users taking 50mg (whilst in a caloric surplus) have witnessed 6-8lb lean muscle mass gains by the end of their 8 week cycle. NOTE: for the first few weeks they took only 25mg of Andarine a day.
• No water retention: Thanks to its high anabolic effects, you can safely build muscle and bone tissue without having to worry about any unwanted bloating.
• Perfect anabolic: environment By offering your body a stable anabolic environment, you can confidently use other compounds and know that Andarine won't prevent them from working.
Can effectively be used for bulking, cutting and body recomposition.
What Are Potential Andarine S4 Side Effects?
Numerous anecdotal reports have indicated that it can affect your vision causing you to see incorrect colours or a yellowish tinge when you're looking at things - imagine seeing everything in Sepia and you'll get what we mean. This is due to this SARM binding to the receptors in your eyes (something other SARMs don't appear to do). Worst case scenario - it can cause light sensitivity and peripheral blindness, affecting your ability to see clearly at night (not exactly fun if you need to drive). True, further evidence suggests that these vision changes are individual specific and are usually caused by taking too high an Andarine dosage. Similarly, they will supposedly disappear once you finish your Andarine cycle - without any need for corrective measures or medical intervention - however, it does give you pause for thought. For instance, is any risk - even if it is short term - worth enduring simply to boost your lean muscle gains and fat loss? Personally, we don't think so. Yet not everyone feels that way. In fact, due to it being a 'manageable side effect', there are many users who are happy to endure it. And herein lies the problem... Where does it cross from being manageable to being unsafe? The answer is dosage. The more you stretch and push towards its 45mg a day threshold; the more you risk experiencing some serious side effects. Hell, even at a low dosage, you run the risk of this particular side effect so you need to be careful.
From what we can see, this vision impairment is the only one you really need to worry about. Sure you might experience mild natural testosterone suppression but this can be corrected by doing PCT and keeping your cycle to 6-8 weeks. More importantly, Andarine won't trigger gynecomastia, water retention or hair loss.
How To Use It — Andarine Dosage
On average, most users recommend taking 30mg of Andarine a day for the first two weeks before upping it slowly (NEVER take more than 45mg a day) for the remaining 6 weeks. If your vision remains unaffected, then it is possible to take 45mg a day. This dose should be split into 2-3 doses a day (once in the morning and then alongside a pre- workout meal) as it has only got a half-life of 4-6 hours.
Stacking - you can easily stack this S4 SARM with other SARMS. Researchers recommend pairing it with Ostarine, as together they have a synergic effect (especially if you're in a calorie deficit) and can help you to hold onto your muscle mass whilst you're cutting. Alternatively, you can stack it with GW501516 or Cardarine (if you want an endurance boost). For bulking, 5-10mg of Ligandrol with 25mg of Andarine is recommended. Personally, we don't think stacking is necessary with S4 as it is powerful enough on its own. However, you can stack if you want to minimize the risk of vision problems.
Bulking/cutting - The good news is that Andarine shines brightly in both cycles. With cutting especially it can help you to get lean, tight and vascular whilst effectively helping you to burn fat. And in terms of bulking, it has got the tools to offer you decent lean muscle mass gains (even when you're consuming fewer calories). Cycle length - NEVER use this SARM for longer than 8 weeks.
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