(1 customer review)

$1,080.00 AUD



This 12 week cycle includes:




What Ibutamoren's Effects?

In the body, MK-677 binds to ghrelin receptors on the surfaces of cells. This triggers a series of chain reactions including increased secretion of several hormones such as growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).
These chain reactions are normally triggered by the action of ghrelin, a peptide hormone primarily released by endocrine cells in the intestines and stomach (1). Ghrelin has various physiological effects such as regulation of appetite (2) and adipose tissue (3), as well as of carbohydrate and energy metabolism (4). Recent studies have also demonstrated its role in cognitive function (5-6).
By mimicking ghrelin, MK-677 thus produces significant physiological benefits:
• it boosts muscle growth and strength, by increasing lean body mass (bigger muscles, increased muscle mass, prevention of loss of muscle during weight loss, etc) (7-10), without adding fat mass.
• it combats the muscle-wasting typically seen in older people or those temporarily incapacitated (with hip fractures, for example (11).
• it boosts bone density and renewal (by increasing levels of osteocalcin) (12).
• it improves sleep quality and duration (13). The rises in levels of certain hormones (in particular growth hormone and prolactin) appear to increase the duration of stage 4 sleep (the deepest of the sleep cycle) as well as that of rapid eye movement (REM), part of paradoxical sleep (14).
• it combats cellular ageing, primarily by compensating for decreased levels of growth hormone.
• it has potential nootropic effects
• it promotes faster wound-healing and recovery (15-16) as well as increased tolerance to exercise (17-18).
• it increases lipolysis (fat breakdown) (19).
• it reduces nitrogenous waste (20).
• it lowers blood levels of LDL-cholesterol.

These potential effects are the result of Ibutamoren's principal action of directly increasing circulating levels of IGF-1, a peptide hormone responsible for boosting protein synthesis and promoting overall tissue growth.

Clinical trials are continuing in order to identify any potential side effects, with a view to potentially authorising its sale for human consumption. Studies conducted so far have demonstrated slight increases in blood pressure, glycated haemoglobin and appetite (21). They have also shown that were it to be authorised for human consumption, it would be contraindicated for those with a history of congestive heart failure, especially elderly individuals. In any case, monitoring blood parameters would be essential, and it would only be possible to recommend those products with rigorously-controlled purity.


Who Might Benefit From Ibutamoren?

Currently, Ibutamoren is still at the stage of pre-clinical testing. It is therefore available solely for research purposes and is not approved for human consumption. However, its physiological effects and therapeutic potential mean that certain groups of people may be interested in monitoring developments in its research:
• those seeking improved sports performance and greater tolerance to exercise.
• those looking to boost their muscle mass and strength
• those recovering from physical injury
• those deficient in growth hormone
• those who've suffered muscle wasting or bone loss
• those who want to slow down the ageing process.


How Does It Differ From Anabolic Steroids?

Like MK-677, anabolic steroids produce an increase in muscle mass and physical strength, but that's where the similarity ends. Anabolic steroids are fatty acids which bind to 'androgen receptors' and trigger the expression of a number of target genes. This interaction causes anabolic effects, as well as a number of unintended consequences, such as a significant increase in virilisation (hairiness, growth in vocal cords, increased risk of baldness), a halt in natural production of sex hormones, an increase in LDL cholesterol, a rise in blood pressure and the development of problematic structural changes in heart ventricles. These unwelcome effects are damaging to the bodybuilding enthusiasts and elite athletes who use them.

Scientific studies show that MK-677 does not cause any side-effects. Depending on the results of the latest clinical trials, it could, in the years to come, constitute a safer alternative to anabolic steroids and a more effective one than growth hormone-releasing peptides (GHRPs), the bioavailability and half-life of which remain very low.

Ibutamoren thus appears to be an innovative and credible alternative for stimulating growth hormone secretion. It is already benefiting from sound clinical trials and produces far fewer side-effects than the substances it closely resembles, such as anabolic steroids and GHRPs.


Note: This product is for research purposes only. It is not approved for human consumption.

Written: October 2018.

1. Ariyasu, H.; Takaya, K.; Tagami, T.; Ogawa, Y.; Hosoda, K.; Akamizu, T.; Suda, M.; Koh, T.; Natsui, K.; Toyooka, S.; et al. Stomach is a major source of circulating ghrelin, and feeding state determines plasma ghrelin-like immunoreactivity levels in humans. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2001, 86, 4753-4758.

2. Bowers CY, Momany F, Reynolds GA, et al. Structure-activity relationships of a synthetic pentapeptide that specifically releases growth hormone in vitro. Endocrinology 1980; 106:663-667.

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4. Bowers CY. History to the discovery of ghrelin. Methods Enzymol 2012;514:3-32.

5. Gahete, M.D.; Cordoba-Chacon, J.; Kineman, R.D.; Luque, R.M.; Castano, J.P. Role of ghrelin system in neuroprotection and cognitive functions: Implications in Alzheimer's disease. Peptides 2011, 32, 2225-2228.

6. Kim, C.; Kim, S.; Park, S. Neurogenic Effects of Ghrelin on the Hippocampus. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017, 18.

7. Binnerts A, Swart GR, Wilson JH, et al. The effect of growth hormone administration
in growth hormone deficient adults on bone, protein, carbohydrate and lipid homeostasis, as well as on body composition. Clin Endocrinol 1992;37:79-87.

8. Snel YE, Doerga ME, Brummer RJ, et al. Resting metabolic rate, body composition and related hormonal parameters in growth hormone-deficient adults before and after growth hormone replacement therapy. Eur J Endocrinol 1995; 133:445-450.

9. Nass R, Pezzoli SS, Oliveri MC, et al. Effects of an oral ghrelin mimetic on body composition and clinical outcomes in healthy older adults: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 2008; 149:601-611.

10. Svensson J, Lonn L, Jansson JO, et al. Two-month treatment of obese subjects with the oral growth hormone (GH) secretagogue MK-677 increases GH secretion, fat-free mass, and energy expenditure. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998; 83:362-369.

11. Svensson J, Lonn L, Jansson JO, et al. Two-month treatment of obese subjects with the oral growth hormone (GH) secretagogue MK-677 increases GH secretion, fat-free mass, and energy expenditure. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998; 83:362-369.

12. Murphy MG, Bach MA, Plotkin D, et al. Oral administration of the growth hormone secretagogue MK-677 increases markers of bone turnover in healthy and functionally impaired elderly adults. The MK-677 Study Group. J Bone Min Res 1999; 14:1182-1188.

13. Copinschi G, Leproult R, Van Onderbergen A, et al. Prolonged oral treatment with MK- 677, a novel growth hormone secretagogue, improves sleep quality in man. Neuroendocrinology 1997;66:278-286.

14. Copinschi G, Leproult R, Van Onderbergen A, et al. Prolonged oral treatment with MK- 677, a novel growth hormone secretagogue, improves sleep quality in man. Neuroendocrinology 1997;66:278-286.

15. Bach MA, Rockwood K, Zetterberg C, et al. The effects of MK0677, an oral growth hormone secretagogue, in patients with hip fracture. J Am Geriatr Soc 2004;52:516-

16. Adunsky A, Chandler J, Heyden N, et al. MK-0677 (ibutamoren mesylate) for the treatment of patients recovering from hip fracture: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled phase IIb study. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2011;53:183-189.

17. Jorgensen JO, Pedersen SA, Thuesen L, et al. Long-term growth hormone treatment in growth hormone deficient adults. Acta Endocinol 1991;125:449-453.

18. Whitehead HM, Boreham C, Mcllrath EM, et al. Growth hormone treatment of adults with growth hormone deficiency: results of a 13-month placebo controlled cross- over study. Clin Endocrinol 1992;36:45-52.

19. Melmed S. Physiology of growth hormone. In: Rose BD, ed. UpToDate; 2008; Waltham, MA.

20. Murphy MG, Plunkett LM, Gertz BJ, et al. MK-677, an orally active growth hormone secretagogue, reverses diet-induced catabolism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998;83:320-325.

21. Sevigny JJ, Ryan JM, van Dyck CH, et al. Growth hormone secretagogue MK-677: no clinical effect on AD progression in a randomized trial. Neurology 2008;71:1702-1708.


What Is LGD 4033?

LGD 4033, also known as Ligandrol is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). It was developed by a San Diego based company, Ligand Pharmaceuticals. It is currently under research at Viking Therapeutics.

It connects to the androgen receptors in the muscles and bones inside your body selectively. It is known to benefit in curing muscle wasting and bone diseases. It can also help in building lean muscle mass and inhibiting muscle loss.

They are also considered a safer option than steroids. It is believed that they don't affect other organs in the body, unlike steroids. Also known as Anabolicum, it has become the preferred performance enhancer of many fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders.

SARMS only became popular because there were concerns regarding the effects of steroids. They are known for minimal side effects that can be reversed with regular PCT.


What Is LGD 4033?

LGD 4033, also known as Ligandrol is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). It was developed by a San Diego based company, Ligand Pharmaceuticals. It is currently under research at Viking Therapeutics.

It connects to the androgen receptors in the muscles and bones inside your body selectively. It is known to benefit in curing muscle wasting and bone diseases. It can also help in building lean muscle mass and inhibiting muscle loss.

They are also considered a safer option than steroids. It is believed that they don't affect other organs in the body, unlike steroids. Also known as Anabolicum, it has become the preferred performance enhancer of many fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders. SARMS only became popular because there were concerns regarding the effects of steroids. They are known for minimal side effects that can be reversed with regular PCT.


Benefits Of LGD 4033

This new SARM has definitely garnered a lot of attention in the medical world. LGD 4033 has some noteworthy benefits that we will be discussing here. Read on to know about them!


• Lean Muscle Mass gain:

This is one of the main benefits of Ligandrol. It targets the androgen receptors in bones and muscles and starts the process of muscle regeneration. Even the lowest dosages can help you gain considerably. It burns down the body fat and gives you sharper and shredded muscles.
One can expect to gain about 4 to 6 kgs of muscle mass in one cycle of Ligandrol. This muscle mass later helps you in getting that muscular body after cutting and shredding.


• Increased Strength:

With great muscles, there is an inflow of strength in your body. You get more energy to work out effectively. You can lift heavier weights in the gym without any strain in your body.
Ligandrol also helps in increasing the strength which is crucial for the workouts. You experience considerable strength gain with this SARM. But do not forget to take a protein-rich diet that will help you replenish the lost energy.


• Maintain Muscle Mass:

Once you gain the desired muscle mass, it is important to maintain it as well. LGD 4033 can help you sustain this mass as well during a caloric deficit. This deficit is formed when your calorie intake is less than what you are burning. This is done because you need to lower your calorie intake in the cutting phase.
After you gain the mass, it's time to get that shredded look. Ligandrol ensures that you only experience the burning of fat during this phase. It prevents muscle loss and maintains them.


• Enhanced Recovery:

After those long hours in the gym and training hard, your muscles can undergo serious wear and tear. The muscle fibers tear during this and rebuild themselves. This rebuilding makes them much stronger and thus adding to your body strength.
LGD 4033 ensures the speedy recovery of those muscles. With this, you can get back to training in no time. As the recovery is faster, you can save yourself from all the serious injuries during the workout session.


How To Take LGD 4033 (Dosage)

For bulking: To increase muscle size and strength, take up to 30mg per day for 8-12 weeks.

For cutting: To shred body fat without muscle loss, take up to 15mg per day for 8-12 weeks.

For recomposition: To gain lean muscle mass along with losing bodyweight, take up to 15mg per day for 8-12 weeks.

LGD4033 has a half-life of around 24-36 hours. It means half of it will stay in your system after 24 hours. This means you have to take it once in a day or split into two doses morning and night.


LGD 4033 Reviews: What People Say Before And After?

The SARM only works when combined with a good diet and exercise. It's a fact that most of us are aware of it. These are the two prerequisites of consuming LGD4033. You cannot expect results without these too.

Many gym enthusiasts found it more reliable than the usual steroids. One can expect to gain about 5-10 pounds of lean muscle mass with this SARM. Your body fats get burned up and muscles take their place. You will become leaner with pronounced stomach muscles.

It allows minimal bloating in the stomach and the gains are clean. Many consumers claim a considerable increase in strength.


LGD 4033 Cycle

The cycle generally runs from 6 to 8 weeks. You need to take it a minimum for 6 weeks, only then it is worth it. In each cycle, you need to take on 5-30mg of the LGD 4033. Do not increase the amount even if you extend the cycle.

Also, needless to say, but you have to be very patient. You can't expect results in one or two weeks. It takes its own time to kick in and show results.

If you are an experienced user, you can increase the cycle with a moderate amount of SARM. A cycle of 8 to 12 weeks is recommended for you. Don't rush into it to get faster results. It won't help and you will only end up harming yourself.
You might have to use PCT after the SARM cycles. After this, 2-3 weeks of rest is necessary. You might feel that you are wasting time which could be used to start a new cycle.

But trust us, this is vital for you to rejuvenate and get back with replenished strength. This period refreshes you and makes you ready for the next cycle.


Side Effects Of LGD 4033

LGD4033 is still a research chemical. Therefore, it should be used in moderation. SARMs have very few side effects if they are used in proper amounts.

The most common side effects are nausea, headaches, water retention, and fatigue. It can also lead to testosterone suppression which is one of the major side effects. Testosterone is crucial for males to gain muscle strength.

Increase your water intake if you feel such symptoms, it can help you get some temporary relief. These side effects are very rare and most people don't even experience them. If you stop the use immediately and go for PCT, the side effects go away. PCT stands for Post Cycle Therapy that you can take after the SARM cycle. These are a bunch of supplements that help you fight the side effects. A couple of weeks rest after the PCT will help you recover fine. You can easily order these therapy supplements online.

Most people don't know about PCT and therefore don't use it. If you don't use PCT supplements, your body takes a longer time to recover.

During this time you lose all your gains and all your hard work goes to waste.

If you think your symptoms are getting out of hand, go for it. You can start with the mild PCT or anti-estrogen to relieve the symptoms.
Then, there is the Red PCT which is made from all-natural seed extracts. Go for the one that suits you the best.




Ostarine is a drug that is still undergoing trials by its creator company - GTX Inc. that's located in Memphis, Tennessee. It falls under the category of SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators), a new hit in the fitness world. We will try to explain how to properly use Ostarine during the bulking and cutting phases, as well as during body recomposition.

As it usually happens, medicinal advances have a carryover to bodybuilding. Such is the case with Ostarine (mk2866, being Ostarine's generic name), which was originally meant to serve as a treatment against osteoporosis and prevent muscle wasting diseases in cancer patients. You already know where this is going.

We will start this article with some basic info about them. Here, you will see what they are, how they work and what applications they have. In this part, you will also be able to understand how the regulation of these substances works. After that, the focus will shift to medicinal gtx-024. The biggest part, however, will cover Ostarine use in the fitness community and how effective it really is. We will try to explain how to properly use MK- 2866 during the bulking phases, as well as during body recomposition. This is the heart of the article, and if you aren't interested in the review of the medicinal purpose, the science, or regulation, we recommend skipping to that part now.



In an article written by Shalender Bashin, MD, and Ravi Jasuja, Ph.D., the following summary is stated: "these substances hold promise as a new class of function promoting anabolic therapies for a number of clinical indications, including functional limitations associated with aging and chronic diseases, frailty and cancer cachexia," Further down the study, we can find that the therapies for these conditions revolve around tissue-selective activation and limited hormonal changes. Since Ostarine produces no virilization, MK 2866 is safe for women as well.

As we grow old, we lose skeletal mass due to the loss of type 2 muscles. This, in turn, increases the risks of falls, fractures, mobility limitations, physical disability. Our quality of life will suffer. Certain chronic illnesses, such as end-stage renal diseases, obstructive lung diseases, and heart failure are punctuated by the loss of mass. Its ability to reverse muscle wasting also makes it a potentially vital medication for cancer patients. Mk-2866 can prevent the collapse of a functioning human skeletal system and prevent these problems from ever happening.



Enobosarm is probably the most popular selective androgen receptor modulator in the fitness community and very effective. The drug has undergone a few clinical trials including one that involved 159 cancer patients where the drug showed promising results. Its main strength lies in the fact that the compound has an anabolic effect with no aromatizing side effects. That means that MK-2866 targets androgen receptors but does not convert into estrogen. The drug does not contain the problematic metabolite MI. On the other hand, Ostarine will:

1. Increase your lean muscle mass

2. Increase your lifts

3. Increase your endurance and stamina

4. Improve your bone density

Ostarine is probably the best and the safest SARM on the market. You can expect the same results using this product like the ones you can obtain from a cycle of Dianabol without all the bad side effects.
MK-2866 will bind to these receptors, but it will not convert DHT into estrogen. As we all know, aromatization is the main problem of using steroids. With this problem out of the picture, Ostarine and other SARMs will dominate the PED market in the years to come.



If we compare ostarine MK-2866 to "testosterone boosters" and steroids, we will notice that Ostarine does not have an effect on non-skeletal muscles. Gtx-024 will increase your performance and build lean muscle mass.

Since most bodybuilders still live by their bulking and cutting cycles, we will break down the proper usage of MK-2866 for each of them.


Experts recommend a 8-12-week cycle of MK-2866 for optimal results while taking one dose of 15-30 mg per day. with a half-life of roughly 12hrs, taking a dose twice a day is sufficient. Gaining 15 lbs of lean mass with no water retention is a perfectly achievable reality in this time frame. A lot of people worry about losing their new muscle gains after the cycle ends. You can alleviate this problem by taking Clomid or Tribestan in your last week of the cycle. This way, you can be sure that no muscle wasting will occur once you stop.

As we've mentioned before, ostarine MK-2866 does not have any aromatizing side effects. You will not grow man boobs or lose your hair. That is why this SARM is so awesome to increase testosterone levels.

Pro tip: Preload your intake. Start with 50% of the dose on week 1 and gradually increase it in the following weeks. Your results will improve considerably.

If you are interested in the biggest results possible, use a combination of Ostarine, RAD- 140, Ligandrol, and Ibutamoren. You will experience deeper, high-quality sleep using this combination of these substances and some insane muscle building while staying relatively lean.

Remember when we said that these research chemicals were originally designed to prevent muscle wasting? This is why they are perfect for your cycle. While running a caloric deficit, the body takes away nutrients not only from its fat deposits but from the mass as well. This is how muscle atrophy happens on a cut. Since we all want to show our newly acquired muscle gains, losing them is not an option. Mk-2866 can help you here as well. Using 15 mg per day of this substance is recommended. Remember not to overdo your strict cardio routines and focus on strength and circuit training. This is the way to maximize your results.

Most bodybuilders reported incredible results by stacking MK 2866 with a few other SARMs while cutting. This delivers even more dramatic results whilst preventing muscle loss. Probably the best combination is the one involving Andarine, Ostarine, and Cardarine. The total dosage of these three liquids should not exceed the recommended dosage for only using Ostarine.



Ostarine has beneficial effects on bone density and on joint and tendon health. This process has a carryover effect on joints. Stronger joints and tendons mean better workouts. However, this does not mean that you can throw proper form out of the window and go all out on the weights. Training smart is the basis for your progress, and Mk-2866 is its best addon. If you have an injury, most researchers point out that the proper Ostarine dosage for the healing process is 12.5mg a day.


Body Recomposition

Fitness routine for the out-of-the-box thinkers, as some like to call it, is gaining popularity nowadays. It is especially welcoming to beginners who haven't experienced their "noob gains". MK-2866 promotes fat loss while facilitating the gaining of moderate amounts of lean muscle mass. Since these two processes are hard to combine for non- enhanced experienced bodybuilders, Ostarine comes into play.
Staying just a bit over your maintenance calorie intake while using this SARM will allow you to recompose your body, even if you have been lifting for years. Don't expect to gain as much lean muscle mass as on a pure bulk or lose as much as on a cut, but you will add a few pounds while losing a couple of inches of your waist.



This SARM will cause almost no testosterone suppression unless you start to take ridiculous amounts daily. If you stick to the normal daily Ostarine dosage, you won't experience any suppression of hormones after your cycle of MK-2866.



I have mentioned a couple of times that MK-2866 has no steroid-like side effects due to the compound not having aromatizing qualities. But it is important to mention that GTX Inc. has never released the full ingredients list for Ostarine. Anecdotal reports and a few of the clinical trials conducted provide us with stories of heatwaves, headaches, sweating, lethargy and disrupted sleep. However, these side effects of Ostarine aren't nearly as serious as the ones steroids can have.



No, you don't need a PCT cycle when finishing a cycle. A few guys run post cycle therapy anyway just to play it safe. Some might also opt for a pct cycle when they use a higher amount.


  1. David Bryant

    started seeing results within 2 weeks, by the end of the cycle i had out on 5 kilos of quality mass. very happy thank you

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