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The phrase 'exercise in a bottle' may sound a bit over the top. While some users reported improved endurance, others stated that the benefits of using Stenabolic were limited or non-existent. With Stenabolic having few to no proven side effects, it is also deemed safe to use, if used correctly.

If you are training hard, you are probably aiming for increased endurance and lower body fat. The fact that there is an overwhelming number of options may seem confusing. We are bombarded with claims that these options can do both. However, there are so many options and not enough money to try them all.

You will be pleased to know that your choice can be narrowed down. The one thing you need to maximize endurance and fat loss is Stenabolic. SR9009 will help you regardless of your athletic enthusiasm. Read on, as we will try our best to explain how it came to be, its history, and its effects.



Professor Thomas Burris of the Scripps Research Institute developed SR9009, better known as Stenabolic. Though SR9009 is associated with SARMs, it is actually a Rev-erba agonist drug.
"Rev-erba who?", you might be asking. Well, this is a protein most commonly found in the liver, skeletal muscle, the brain, and the adipose tissue (body fat). It participates in the circadian regulation of these tissues. In other words, it has to do with one's circadian rhythm, better known as the biological clock.
Researchers found out that the compounds found in Stenabolic affected this protein. As a result, animal test subjects showed an increase in endurance and a decrease in obesity. Mice treated with the drug had a 50 percent increase in running capacity, measured by both time and distance.
To quote Burris: "The animals actually get muscles like an athlete who has been training." Not only that, but the rodents developed muscles similar to those of a seasoned athlete in a very short time.



The phrase 'exercise in a bottle' may sound a bit over the top. However, a study revealed that SR9009 caused a steep reduction in animal obesity. As we mentioned earlier, it actually alters the core biological clock. This clock synchronizes the rhythm of the body's activity all day and night. Basically, it can be compared to our phones and computers automatically adjusting to time zones and DST.

Now, Rev-erba is a protein that controls glucose levels and lipid metabolism in our liver. It also stores fat cells and removes dead or dying cells during inflammation. The reason Stenabolic is called an agonist is that it enhances the activity of Rev-erba.

It had the following effects when tried on animals and cells:
• SR9009 caused an increase in overall oxygen consumption.
• SR9009 caused a decrease in the production of new fat cells in the liver.
• It lowered the production of bile acids and cholesterol in the liver.
• It caused muscle mitochondria to rise in number.
• It increased fatty acid and glucose use in muscles.
• SR9009 decreased the storage of fat.

This study, Injecting mice with the drug for 7 days resulted in them losing fat mass, therefore losing weight. However, this did not affect their food intake. Mice that were genetically obese stopped gaining weight after 12 days without any change in their tolerance to insulin or the amount of glucose.
Similarly, mice treated with SR9009 between 7 and 10 days had their total cholesterol reduced. On the other hand, mice given SR9009 for 30 days showed increased endurance, as previously mentioned.
The inflammatory molecules found in the nerve cells of the rats also decreased in production because of SR9009. Also, it resulted in improved heart function while reducing heart size and weight in mice with surgically induced heart growth.

SR9009 also changed the sleeping schedule of mice. Oddly enough, they were more active during the day, having had a less deep sleep. This means that SR9009 may help you maintain your wakefulness. Now, this is some good news for people doing shift work or suffering from jet lag.
Finally, SR9009 decreased the anxiety-like behaviour of said mice, showcasing the effects equal to those of Bromazepam or related benzodiazepines.



By now, you are probably thinking it was about time to stop with the mice's facts. So let us shift the focus to you, the athlete.



From what we can see, this vision impairment is the only one you really need to worry about. Sure you might experience mild natural testosterone suppression but this can be corrected by doing PCT and keeping your cycle to 6-8 weeks. More importantly, Andarine won't trigger gynecomastia, water retention or hair loss.



So far, you are probably relishing the idea that a substance like this even exists. A drug that turns you into a seasoned athlete in a short time is nothing but good news. And if you are already in great shape, just imagine all the effects you can achieve.

Now, as you may know, many athletes use stimulants before working out. One thing you may not be aware of is that they actually hurt you more than they help you.

The idea behind doing cardio is, of course, increasing your heart rate and maximizing your capacity. If you are struggling with cardio, your heart rate will skyrocket if you try sprinting. Let us take a 5-minute, 800-meter sprint as an example. The sprint may leave beginners winded and panting. On the other hand, experienced runners can go far without any problems.
Using traditional pre-workout stimulants does not do much to help. In fact, the stimulants will not help you at all. After using SR9009, you are much more likely to reach 90% of your heart rate. This means that stimulants are counter-effective. In contrast to stimulants, Stenabolic will not get you winded so fast. SR9009 will give you room to push harder, as you might only go up to 75% of your maximum heart rate.



Regardless of your current weight, using Stenabolic can help you cut down on body fat. If you are trying to lose weight, opt-out the fat burners. This is because they do nothing but strain your body and negatively affect your sleep and heart health.

However, Stenabolic works safely because SR9009 is not a harsh drug or stimulant. Study subjects affected by Stenabolic burned fat even while resting. However, when they did exercise, the fat loss was extremely sped up.

As we've mentioned earlier, the Rev-erba protein controls lipid metabolism in the liver. Stenabolic gives it a little push, resulting in an increased metabolic rate. As the number of mitochondria rises, the body is forced to burn away stored fat.



We have to quote Billy Mays on this one. "But wait, there's more!"

Stenabolic can also help those suffering from obesity. SR9009 will help improve their cholesterol levels and get rid of redundant glucose in their muscles.
As a result, the body will be burning fat much more quickly, whether it is during exercise
or after. Remember those genetically obese mice we mentioned? Well, you can achieve a similar effect. This means your workouts will be much more effective.



Whether we are professional athletes or just into fitness, the chances are that we realized all the effects steroids may have on our bodies. A lot of guys have considered using them but were swayed away due to their harmful effects. Almost everyone wants the benefits of taking anabolic steroids, but not everyone is ready to accept the downsides of consuming them. Luckily, Testolone RAD140 is formulated to deliver incredible results without adverse reactions.

Taking away the side effects of steroids has been a long-standing wish of the scientific and bodybuilding communities alike. Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, or SARMs, are considered to be a safer alternative. They were first developed as a treatment for patients suffering from muscle atrophy caused by chemotherapy, radiation, or chronic diseases.



Back in 2010, a pharmaceutical company by the name of Radius Health developed a selective androgen receptor modulator that is currently going through an upward popularity spike. Originally designed for treating osteoporosis, the compound found many different applications, such as breast cancer treatment. Its generic name is RAD140, but it is far more famous for its brand name -Testolone.
Early trials of Testolone RAD140 were conducted on monkeys and mice. What the researchers found was that Testolone stimulated the gains of lean muscle mass & strength without affecting the prostate or raising blood pressure. These results were contrary to the results of steroids.

No threat to the liver was found since there was no increase in transaminase (liver enzyme) levels.

Research also shows that these substances prevent brain cell death, providing neuroprotective effects at the same time.
The medicinal usage
Researchers have found that Testolone prevents the production of ESR1 protein, one of the compounds catalyzing breast cancer. It suppresses cancer growth by blocking the effect estrogen may have on surrounding tissue.

Testolone also protects brain nerves by blocking amyloid-beta proteins. These proteins are responsible for the development of Alzheimer's disease. It also increases learning and memory capacity by affecting brain cell growth.

Moreover, cachexia, which is caused by different severe chronic conditions, is treated with this compound. Cachexia involves lots of muscle loss, so the beneficial effects of this SARM are more than clear.

Furthermore, Testolone also stimulates seminal vesicles, increasing sperm count. Medical experts use Testolone RAD140 in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). This therapy is beneficial for treating hypogonadism and other signs of low testosterone levels, such as erectile dysfunction, low libido, and prostate problems. Doctors use Testolone in low dosages, which means that there is no risk of virilization - the biological process that develops male secondary characteristics. That means Testolone is perfectly safe for women too.
Of course, you don't need to have a medical problem in order to use Testolone. It is, after all, the most popular SARM in the bodybuilding community. The root of RAD-140's popularity lies in the fact that it does not aromatize. That means the users will not experience gynecomastia, water retention, bloating, or high blood pressure after consuming Testolone. However, for bodybuilding purposes, SARMs are sold online as research products, and that's because they are not fully approved for human consumption.



Testolone produces anabolic processes by targeting androgen receptors in your skeletal muscles. These are the ones you can willingly control, such as your biceps, pectoral, deltoid, and so on. Basically, these are the muscles you activate while working out, plus the leg ones.

Testolone RAD140 does not aromatize, and it does not convert to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), just like any other SARM.
With all the positive effects that anabolic steroids have and almost none of the negatives, this SARM is the go-to drug for having enhanced workouts. Higher testosterone levels will allow you to put on more muscle mass and strength and to retain them during fat loss. Since most of us program our workouts around bulking and cutting cycles, this article will provide a short tutorial for using RAD140 in both of them. Testolone RAD140 is probably the best and the safest selective androgen receptor modulator on the market. Using Testolone, you can expect the same results as the ones you can obtain from a cycle of Dianabol, without all the hideous side effects. This perfectly explains why more people opt for this product over the other aggressive alternatives.


RAD140 In The Fitness Community

Since its main strength lies in the fact that it has an anabolic effect without the aromatizing side effects, RAD 140 will target androgen receptors but will not convert into estrogen. The compound will boost your lifts, endurance, and lean muscle growth while decreasing your fat deposits. It even goes as far as enhancing your mood. Pretty sweet, isn't it?

Besides, if you are already using steroids, you can use the product to bridge the gap between the two cycles.

You will not experience jaw or finger growth as you would on human growth hormone. Nor will you experience expedited hair loss because your testosterone will not mutate into DHT. You will not get man boobs because RAD140 does not aromatize. And since it targets skeletal muscles without affecting the endocrine system, your testosterone levels will get back to normal soon after you stop using it without going through a low test phase.

But you will have some insane strength gains. Testolone RAD140 will dominate the market in years to come.


Bulking Dosage

You should use around 20-30mg of the compound on a daily basis. A typical cycle length is around 12 weeks. After that, most bodybuilders take a break off 4 weeks. With a half- life of around 20 hours, using it once per day should be more than enough. The advice given to most non-enhanced lifters is to use high volume training during their bulk, and there is no reason not to take this advice, even when using Testolone. What you will find soon enough after beginning your cycle is that your fatigue will greatly decrease, allowing for even more volume. So you can start doing even higher rep numbers since your body will be able to take it.

Also, you may want to preload your intake of the compound. Start with 50% of the recommended dose and gradually increase it. The results will be all the better.


Cutting Dosage

SARMs were originally designed for preventing muscle wasting, and this makes them perfect for bodybuilders when they're trying to burn fats. Even if you are going through a low-calorie deficit regiment, you will be able to maintain your lean muscle mass while shredding.
Moreover, we recommend taking carbs out of your diet. Your testosterone levels will not be affected because of Testolone. However, we do recommend increasing your protein intake. You will be in a mental place of power.

Your workouts should revolve around low-rep lifting, combined with circuit training. This way, you will maximize your weight loss while protecting your newly acquired strength gains.



You can combine Testolone RAD140 with other SARMS to get even better results. The contents of the stack will depend on whether you are bulking, or cutting.

For bodybuilders in their bulking cycles, a combination of Testolone and Ligandrol (LGD- 4033) works incredibly well. The combined dose of these two products should not exceed the dose you would take if you were only consuming RAD 140. Some people also go for an SR9009 and RAD140 stack cycle. Whichever stack you choose, make sure that you adhere to the dosage guideline strictly..

A few bodybuilders also use Testolone RAD140 with the SARM Ostarine (MK-2866) to boost their recovery.



Numerous studies have shown that the compound has no severe side effects except for the lack of sleep and a feeling of lethargy. These two, however, have not been experimentally linked to Testolone RAD140 and still remain at the level of anecdotal evidence. The other reported effects are increased aggression, nausea, and headaches. These are particularly common when the user is exceeding the recommended dosage. DHT is what stimulates hair loss, while the process of aromatization is what makes you more feminine. Unfortunately, traditional injectables can produce both of these side effects. Testolone, just like some of the other SARMs, causes testosterone suppression. The good news is the side effect is never as serious as the one you'd experience from anabolic- androgenic steroids and other non-selective performance enhancers. However, you still need to deal with the problem, and that's where post cycle therapy (PCT) comes in. Each of your Testolone cycles should be followed by PCT - such as CLOMID - which helps to bring testosterone production back to normal levels. It's even more important if you are stacking several SARMs.


What Is LGD 4033?

LGD 4033, also known as Ligandrol is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). It was developed by a San Diego based company, Ligand Pharmaceuticals. It is currently under research at Viking Therapeutics.

It connects to the androgen receptors in the muscles and bones inside your body selectively. It is known to benefit in curing muscle wasting and bone diseases. It can also help in building lean muscle mass and inhibiting muscle loss.

They are also considered a safer option than steroids. It is believed that they don't affect other organs in the body, unlike steroids. Also known as Anabolicum, it has become the preferred performance enhancer of many fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders.

SARMS only became popular because there were concerns regarding the effects of steroids. They are known for minimal side effects that can be reversed with regular PCT.


What Is LGD 4033?

LGD 4033, also known as Ligandrol is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). It was developed by a San Diego based company, Ligand Pharmaceuticals. It is currently under research at Viking Therapeutics.

It connects to the androgen receptors in the muscles and bones inside your body selectively. It is known to benefit in curing muscle wasting and bone diseases. It can also help in building lean muscle mass and inhibiting muscle loss.

They are also considered a safer option than steroids. It is believed that they don't affect other organs in the body, unlike steroids. Also known as Anabolicum, it has become the preferred performance enhancer of many fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders. SARMS only became popular because there were concerns regarding the effects of steroids. They are known for minimal side effects that can be reversed with regular PCT.


Benefits Of LGD 4033

This new SARM has definitely garnered a lot of attention in the medical world. LGD 4033 has some noteworthy benefits that we will be discussing here. Read on to know about them!


• Lean Muscle Mass gain:

This is one of the main benefits of Ligandrol. It targets the androgen receptors in bones and muscles and starts the process of muscle regeneration. Even the lowest dosages can help you gain considerably. It burns down the body fat and gives you sharper and shredded muscles.
One can expect to gain about 4 to 6 kgs of muscle mass in one cycle of Ligandrol. This muscle mass later helps you in getting that muscular body after cutting and shredding.


• Increased Strength:

With great muscles, there is an inflow of strength in your body. You get more energy to work out effectively. You can lift heavier weights in the gym without any strain in your body.
Ligandrol also helps in increasing the strength which is crucial for the workouts. You experience considerable strength gain with this SARM. But do not forget to take a protein-rich diet that will help you replenish the lost energy.


• Maintain Muscle Mass:

Once you gain the desired muscle mass, it is important to maintain it as well. LGD 4033 can help you sustain this mass as well during a caloric deficit. This deficit is formed when your calorie intake is less than what you are burning. This is done because you need to lower your calorie intake in the cutting phase.
After you gain the mass, it's time to get that shredded look. Ligandrol ensures that you only experience the burning of fat during this phase. It prevents muscle loss and maintains them.


• Enhanced Recovery:

After those long hours in the gym and training hard, your muscles can undergo serious wear and tear. The muscle fibers tear during this and rebuild themselves. This rebuilding makes them much stronger and thus adding to your body strength.
LGD 4033 ensures the speedy recovery of those muscles. With this, you can get back to training in no time. As the recovery is faster, you can save yourself from all the serious injuries during the workout session.


How To Take LGD 4033 (Dosage)

For bulking: To increase muscle size and strength, take up to 30mg per day for 8-12 weeks.

For cutting: To shred body fat without muscle loss, take up to 15mg per day for 8-12 weeks.

For recomposition: To gain lean muscle mass along with losing bodyweight, take up to 15mg per day for 8-12 weeks.

LGD4033 has a half-life of around 24-36 hours. It means half of it will stay in your system after 24 hours. This means you have to take it once in a day or split into two doses morning and night.


LGD 4033 Reviews: What People Say Before And After?

The SARM only works when combined with a good diet and exercise. It's a fact that most of us are aware of it. These are the two prerequisites of consuming LGD4033. You cannot expect results without these too.

Many gym enthusiasts found it more reliable than the usual steroids. One can expect to gain about 5-10 pounds of lean muscle mass with this SARM. Your body fats get burned up and muscles take their place. You will become leaner with pronounced stomach muscles.

It allows minimal bloating in the stomach and the gains are clean. Many consumers claim a considerable increase in strength.


LGD 4033 Cycle

The cycle generally runs from 6 to 8 weeks. You need to take it a minimum for 6 weeks, only then it is worth it. In each cycle, you need to take on 5-30mg of the LGD 4033. Do not increase the amount even if you extend the cycle.

Also, needless to say, but you have to be very patient. You can't expect results in one or two weeks. It takes its own time to kick in and show results.

If you are an experienced user, you can increase the cycle with a moderate amount of SARM. A cycle of 8 to 12 weeks is recommended for you. Don't rush into it to get faster results. It won't help and you will only end up harming yourself.
You might have to use PCT after the SARM cycles. After this, 2-3 weeks of rest is necessary. You might feel that you are wasting time which could be used to start a new cycle.

But trust us, this is vital for you to rejuvenate and get back with replenished strength. This period refreshes you and makes you ready for the next cycle.


Side Effects Of LGD 4033

LGD4033 is still a research chemical. Therefore, it should be used in moderation. SARMs have very few side effects if they are used in proper amounts.

The most common side effects are nausea, headaches, water retention, and fatigue. It can also lead to testosterone suppression which is one of the major side effects. Testosterone is crucial for males to gain muscle strength.

Increase your water intake if you feel such symptoms, it can help you get some temporary relief. These side effects are very rare and most people don't even experience them. If you stop the use immediately and go for PCT, the side effects go away. PCT stands for Post Cycle Therapy that you can take after the SARM cycle. These are a bunch of supplements that help you fight the side effects. A couple of weeks rest after the PCT will help you recover fine. You can easily order these therapy supplements online.

Most people don't know about PCT and therefore don't use it. If you don't use PCT supplements, your body takes a longer time to recover.

During this time you lose all your gains and all your hard work goes to waste.

If you think your symptoms are getting out of hand, go for it. You can start with the mild PCT or anti-estrogen to relieve the symptoms.
Then, there is the Red PCT which is made from all-natural seed extracts. Go for the one that suits you the best.


What is Andarine S4?

Andarine (otherwise known as SARM s4 or Andarine S4) is a selective androgen receptor modulator that can help to prevent muscle wastage and support muscle mass development, so you look chiselled, hard and lean. In many ways it works and operates like anabolic steroids, but with less of the negative side effects. Not only is it fast-acting - producing muscle gains within a smaller time frame - it is also an incredibly strong compound.

By binding to the receptors in your muscle and bone tissues, this encourages growth in lean muscle mass and in turn increased strength (think about it - the more muscle you have, the stronger you'll become whilst training). Now S4 SARM is not like your average SARM, as it is stronger and more powerful. Add into the equation the fact that it causes fewer side effects (because it binds selectively and not with every androgen receptor it encounters) and is anabolic, and what you have got is an easy way to build up muscle fast. Knowing this, it is little wonder why Andarine is used so widely by athletes and bodybuilders. This simple compound has the potential to transform your cutting cycle.


What are the benefits of using SARM S4?

Some would argue that Andarine is one of the most versatile SARMs around because of its ability to fit into your plans no matter your athletic goals or bodybuilding ambitions. It simply fits in without negating the effects of other compounds.

But what can Andarine do, and what S4 SARM results can you expect? Well, as well as having a high bioavailability - meaning you'll witness results within a matter of weeks - Andarine has proven itself to be very effective even when taken in low dosages.


It can also offer the following benefits:

• Muscle hardening: Andarine can help to make your muscles harder, drier and more vascular in as little as a week, making it ideal when prepping for competitions. Users recommend adding it to your stack during the last 6-8 weeks of your cycle, so you'll end up looking ripped and chiselled. It can also give you muscle pumps that last all day long - not just when you're lifting weights.
• Increased strength: You will notice a difference to your strength and endurance in as little as two weeks. In fact, some users have reported being able to break previous best lift records by week 5 of their cycle with this S4 SARM.
• Fat loss: It is not entirely known 'how' S4 helps your body to burn fat; however, the leading theory is that it suppresses the production of Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL) which is responsible for regulating the metabolism of stored fat (by signalling your body to utilize stored fat for energy). Users have reported losses of up to 7lbs of fat - as well as lean
• Muscle mass gains: There are mixed opinions about S4's muscle building capabilities.

However, at least 2 clinical studies suggest that Andarine can help users to achieve decent muscle mass gains during a bulking cycle - even if they are taking a low Andarine dosage - as well as helping them to retain muscle while cutting. Users taking 50mg (whilst in a caloric surplus) have witnessed 6-8lb lean muscle mass gains by the end of their 8 week cycle. NOTE: for the first few weeks they took only 25mg of Andarine a day.
• No water retention: Thanks to its high anabolic effects, you can safely build muscle and bone tissue without having to worry about any unwanted bloating.
• Perfect anabolic: environment By offering your body a stable anabolic environment, you can confidently use other compounds and know that Andarine won't prevent them from working.
Can effectively be used for bulking, cutting and body recomposition.



  1. Stephen woods

    Wow what a combination ! Highly recommended

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