Product Details
RAD140 - 20mg
LGD-4033 15mg
YK-11 - 15mg
CONTENTS: 30 Capsules 1 month supply
USAGE: 1 Capsule a day
CYCLE: 8-12 weeks on, 4 weeks off
PCT Required
Ibutamoren is an experimental substance which binds to the same receptors as ghrelin, a natural growth hormone secreted by enteroendocrine cells. Because it mimics this hormone so effectively, Ibutamoren is said to be a ghrelin receptor antagonist. Its anabolising, neuro-protective, lipolytic and anti-ageing properties are currently attracting significant scientific interest and are the subject of extensive investigation.
What Ibutamoren's effects?
In the body, MK-677 binds to ghrelin receptors on the surfaces of cells. This triggers a series of chain reactions including increased secretion of several hormones such as growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).
These chain reactions are normally triggered by the action of ghrelin, a peptide hormone primarily released by endocrine cells in the intestines and stomach (1). Ghrelin has various physiological effects such as regulation of appetite (2) and adipose tissue (3), as well as of carbohydrate and energy metabolism (4). Recent studies have also demonstrated its role in cognitive function (5-6).
By mimicking ghrelin, MK-677 thus produces significant physiological benefits:
• it boosts muscle growth and strength, by increasing lean body mass (bigger muscles, increased muscle mass, prevention of loss of muscle during weight loss, etc) (7-10), without adding fat mass.
• it combats the muscle-wasting typically seen in older people or those temporarily incapacitated (with hip fractures, for example (11).
• it boosts bone density and renewal (by increasing levels of osteocalcin) (12).
• it improves sleep quality and duration (13). The rises in levels of certain hormones (in particular growth hormone and prolactin) appear to increase the duration of stage 4 sleep (the deepest of the sleep cycle) as well as that of rapid eye movement (REM), part of paradoxical sleep (14).
• it combats cellular ageing, primarily by compensating for decreased levels of growth hormone.
it has potential nootropic effects
• it promotes faster wound-healing and recovery (15-16) as well as increased tolerance to exercise (17-18).
• it increases lipolysis (fat breakdown) (19).
• it reduces nitrogenous waste (20).
• it lowers blood levels of LDL-cholesterol.
Testolone produces anabolic processes by targeting androgen receptors in your skeletal muscles. These are the ones you can willingly control, such as your biceps, pectoral, deltoid, and so on. Basically, these are the muscles you activate while working out, plus the leg ones.
Testolone RAD140 does not aromatize, and it does not convert to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), just like any other SARM.
With all the positive effects that anabolic steroids have and almost none of the negatives, this SARM is the go-to drug for having enhanced workouts. Higher testosterone levels will allow you to put on more muscle mass and strength and to retain them during fat loss. Since most of us program our workouts around bulking and cutting cycles, this article will provide a short tutorial for using RAD140 in both of them. Testolone RAD140 is probably the best and the safest selective androgen receptor modulator on the market. Using Testolone, you can expect the same results as the ones you can obtain from a cycle of Dianabol, without all the hideous side effects. This perfectly explains why more people opt for this product over the other aggressive alternatives.
LGD 4033
LGD 4033, also known as Ligandrol is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). It was developed by a San Diego based company, Ligand Pharmaceuticals. It is currently under research at Viking Therapeutics.
It connects to the androgen receptors in the muscles and bones inside your body selectively. It is known to benefit in curing muscle wasting and bone diseases. It can also help in building lean muscle mass and inhibiting muscle loss.
They are also considered a safer option than steroids. It is believed that they don't affect other organs in the body, unlike steroids. Also known as Anabolicum, it has become the preferred performance enhancer of many fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders. SARMS only became popular because there were concerns regarding the effects of steroids. They are known for minimal side effects that can be reversed with regular PCT.
Benefits of LGD 4033
This new SARM has definitely garnered a lot of attention in the medical world. LGD 4033 has some noteworthy benefits that we will be discussing here. Read on to know about them!
• Lean Muscle Mass gain:
This is one of the main benefits of Ligandrol. It targets the androgen receptors in bones and muscles and starts the process of muscle regeneration. Even the lowest dosages can help you gain considerably. It burns down the body fat and gives you sharper and shredded muscles.
One can expect to gain about 4 to 6 kgs of muscle mass in one cycle of Ligandrol. This muscle mass later helps you in getting that muscular body after cutting and shredding.
• Increased Strength:
With great muscles, there is an inflow of strength in your body. You get more energy to work out effectively. You can lift heavier weights in the gym without any strain in your
Ligandrol also helps in increasing the strength which is crucial for the workouts. You experience considerable strength gain with this SARM. But do not forget to take a protein-rich diet that will help you replenish the lost energy.
• Maintain Muscle Mass:
Once you gain the desired muscle mass, it is important to maintain it as well. LGD 4033 can help you sustain this mass as well during a caloric deficit. This deficit is formed when your calorie intake is less than what you are burning. This is done because you need to lower your calorie intake in the cutting phase.
After you gain the mass, it's time to get that shredded look. Ligandrol ensures that you only experience the burning of fat during this phase. It prevents muscle loss and maintains them.
• Enhanced Recovery:
After those long hours in the gym and training hard, your muscles can undergo serious wear and tear. The muscle fibers tear during this and rebuild themselves. This rebuilding makes them much stronger and thus adding to your body strength.
LGD 4033 ensures the speedy recovery of those muscles. With this, you can get back to training in no time. As the recovery is faster, you can save yourself from all the serious injuries during the workout session
YK11 is actually a myostatin inhibitor and not your typical selective androgen receptor modulator. This sort of compound is able to break down our genetic muscle-building wall and allow us to gain more muscle mass than normal and without water retention. We all want to look fantastic in our swimwear and have all eyes on us. However, sometimes, it's just not possible to do it with diet and exercise.
Sometimes, we need extra help some sort of muscle enhancer!
Now, we know that most people would immediately think of steroids now. But given the fact that these come with a bunch of side effects no one needs, we ought to find an alternative.
Luckily, that's exactly when YK11 comes into play. This compound is bound to make our gym dreams come true in less time than we think. So without further ado, let's learn more about it!
Although one of the most potent substances on the market, YK11, was a late bloomer. In fact, its effects were discovered in 2011 by Yuichiro Kanno. He conducted the initial study on this SARM in which he stated that it was a type of an androgen receptor modulator.
• The materials for sale are intended for laboratory and research use only.
• They are not for human consumption.
• They are not for use as food, additives, drugs, cosmetics, household chemical or other inappropriate applications.
• You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase and use this product.
• This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Nathan Sawyers –
What a combination! amazing results and fast shipping to Perth hot my order within 7daya
Kristine chou –
Best sarm product I have ever tried !